CCY Kids
We would love to introduce you to the Children’s Ministry at Calvary Chapel of York called CCY Kids!
Our goal is to provide a safe and loving place for children to meet Jesus, learn His Word, and develop a life-long relationship with Him.
We want parents to be able to worship the Lord undistracted in the Sanctuary, knowing that their children are being ministered to in an age appropriate setting by volunteers who love and care for them.
Children’s ministry is provided for the 11:00am Sunday morning service. Classes are located as follows:
Children’s Ministry Ground Floor:
Nursery – Infants and walkers up to 2½ year olds
Toddler Room – 2½ up to 4 year olds
Children’s Ministry Second Floor:
Pre-K and Kindergarten (4 & 5 year olds)
1st -3rd Grade
4th-6th Grade
Children’s ministry is provided for the 7:00pm Wednesday evening service. Classes are located as follows:
Children’s Ministry ground Floor:
Nursery - Infants up to 4 year olds
Children’s Ministry Second Floor:
Pre-K - 1st Grade
2nd - 6th Grade
“And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them.” (Mark 10:13–16, NASB95)
Every child under our charge is to experience the love of Jesus Christ. Our conviction is that the love of the Lord is what transforms people, and we believe that is especially true with children. Our heart is to provide an atmosphere within children's ministry where, whether the child realizes this or not, they are experiencing the love of Jesus in the leader's lives which we know creates a thirst in them to become born again, and enter His kingdom. Even though a child might be raised in a Christian environment, with godly parents, we believe that every individual makes their own decision as to whether to have Jesus Christ as their Lord. We respect the timing of the Lord. When this takes place there is a lasting change, because they become new creations in Christ. Our goal is to have every child “grow in measure and stature, and in favor with God and man,” through the word of God, fellowship of the Holy Spirit with the other kids that know Him, prayer, and simply enjoying activities together.
We encourage parents to take advantage of children’s ministry classes available for children from infant through sixth grade during the services. This allows the little ones to learn at their own level and keeps them from hearing any sensitive subjects addressed by the pastor. It also provides the best opportunity for parents and other adults to be refreshed and learn with minimal distraction. If you are new to the fellowship and there is a need to “get to know us” before feeling comfortable entrusting your kids to children’s ministry, we understand. We have provided an opportunity for you and your kids to join us in the Sanctuary in the designated Visitors with Children section. You’re free to participate several weeks with your entire family and learn what we’re all about! The area is not sound isolated, so please be sensitive to others in the Sanctuary; and if your child becomes restless and noisy, please quietly exit the Sanctuary to avoid any disruption.
All children are checked in at the CCY Kids check-in counter before the service begins. Children who are infants and toddlers or Kindergarten will go directly to their classrooms and remain there for the duration of the service. First through sixth grade children will go with their parents into the Sanctuary for the first song of worship. These children are then dismissed from the sanctuary to their classrooms. Children’s ministry workers will be at the child check-in area to lead the children to each of their classrooms. Parents will pick up their children at their classrooms at the end of the service.
The security of the children in CCY Kids is very important to us. To that end, we have an electronic child check-in system where each child is issued a unique name badge. The child’s parent is issued a parent tag with a code that matches their child’s name badge. Adults without parent tags are not permitted in the children’s ministry areas, and children can only be picked up from their classroom if their parent brings their parent tag that matches their child’s badge. When you bring your child to CCY Kids for the first time, come to the CCY Kids check-in counter. We will ask you for some basic personal information. A parent tag will then be issued to you and a badge for your child. Depending on your child’s age, they will then proceed to their classroom, or accompany you to the sanctuary for a short while (see “When do I take my child to class?”). At the conclusion of the service, return to the check-in counter. A children’s ministry worker will check-out your child from our system, and then you can proceed to your child’s classroom to pick up your child. Remember to bring your parent tag with you! Those who have made Calvary Chapel of York their home church can get a key fob that allows parents to quickly and independently check their children in and out of children’s ministry with a few screen taps.
Adults that minister to children and youth at Calvary Chapel of York must meet several criteria. First, volunteers must belong to the Calvary Chapel church family for one year before being considered to serve, and must agree with our doctrinal statements. If the children’s ministry leadership believes a volunteer should serve in children’s ministry, then the volunteer must successfully pass Pennsylvania State child abuse and criminal background checks, and comply with mandates for Federal FBI fingerprinting and background checks. These background checks must be renewed every three years.
New parents are welcome to visit their child’s classroom to observe the class. However, due to Pennsylvania State child protection laws, parents are not allowed to repeatedly remain in the classroom.
Verse-by-verse teaching through the Word of God is a distinctive of Calvary Chapel that applies not only to the adults, but also in the children’s ministry. We also believe it is important that children today are “ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15). The curriculum used in CCY Kids for Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade on Sunday mornings is Answers Bible Curriculum from Answers in Genesis. This is a chronological Sunday school curriculum that covers the entire Bible every three years. It answers key questions that confront the children today, and it provides a powerful overview of God’s Word. The toddler classes use age appropriate Bible curriculum from Gospel Light. All ages are equipped with “faith proofs” to defend the Bible and to honor Christ as they apply Scripture.
Children are placed in classes based on age and/or school grade level. They move up to the next age/grade level at the end of the summer. We try to work with the parents under special circumstances to place their child in the appropriate classroom.
Children in the nursery under the age of 2½ do not need to be potty trained. Nursery staff will change a child’s diaper while in the children’s ministry. A diaper changing station is located in the restroom directly outside of the children’s ministry for the convenience of parents. For children to move up into the Toddler Room (ages 2½ to 3), they need to be potty trained.
Children who are ill (with a fever of 100°F or more, or a communicable disease that can be transmitted by cough or by touch) cannot be brought to their children’s ministry class. Children with minor colds and no fever are welcome to sit with their parents in the Café where the worship service can be viewed live.
Plans have been developed in coordination with local emergency officials to ensure the safety of the children in the event of an emergency. In the event of a fire or other emergency, children’s ministry personnel evacuate the children from the children’s ministry to a safe area outside the building. Adults in all other areas of the building evacuate separately and meet their children at the regathering point outside of the building. Plans are posted in each classroom, and periodically exercised. Security provisions are also established to help protect children in the event of an intruder in the church building.